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Jitesh Sanghani

I was born in England in 1978.

My parents and grandparents were born in Kenya but are originally from India. I have two sisters both of who are married and have children.

We had a good childhood my mum was extremely loving and my father was pretty strict.

My dad sister used to live with us when I was a kid and we had a lot of fun.

I was the first grandchild I'm both sides of my family and I was extremely energetic playful and naughty.

And when I got to about 10 years old I started to become rebellious.

I was always loving and caring.

So I started hanging around with the wrong crowd I started stealing cigarettes from my father and smoking.

And more and more late nights.

I was stealing my parents cars in the middle of the night for 2 to 3 years from the age of 13 onwards.

I also didn't enjoy school.

My father spent a lot of hard earned money on private education for me and my sisters and I took it for granted.

I ended up being expelled from approximately seven schools.

That obviously upset my father very much.

We did not have a very good relationship.

He was very disciplined as he went to boarding school and he could not tolerate my Disregard for authority.

From smoking cigarettes I started smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol and I was going out every single day to clubs and raves from the age of about 14.

When I was 16 I got asked the golden question do you want to study or not I have course replied no.

My father then shoot me off to his friends shop in Regent Street where for the next two years I learn a lot about retail and discipline.

When I was 18 years old I finally began working for my father his brother and my grandfather who ran a textile import business in London.

I worked here for approximately 10 years.

During this time I was smoking marijuana on a daily basis and eventually I started using cocaine and drinking alcohol heavily every night.

This obviously became a problem as I wasn't sleeping I wasn't eating well I didn't have any friends left plus I was getting paranoid so it started affecting my daily life also I was obsessed with this drug.

Eventually my family came to find out that something is not right and I was motivated by somebody who's been to rehab before and has now become a very good friend of mine.

Who at that time “ I said thank you but I'd haven't got any problems so please just tell my family I'm fine” obviously that didn't happen the obsession and addiction continued.

And again I was faced with the same scenario and this time maybe I had a slight amount of acceptance.

Eventually after many months of denial I finally accepted and that was magical and a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

And my father was actually the one that helped me gain acceptance by saying “I love you”.

For this I'm forever grateful to my father.

So then began the journey of rehabilitation.

I was offered to go to India to rehab for a one year program to sort my life out.

I grab this opportunity and before I knew I was in India in rehab and I couldn't believe it but this was the best decision I made in my life.

And I ended up spending approximately 11 1/ 2 months in a beautiful rehab in the valleys of India about 100 km from Mumbai.

This was a life changing experience and to this day I am nearly 19 years teetotal and insobriety.

I learnt about myself, meaningful relationships, the power of choice, power of acceptance, power of expectation levelling up with the past, forgiveness and so many more things that make a person stronger and ready for the future.

Till this day I still apply all the theories that I learnt.

When I finished I started working for my father and eventually we opened our own company.

We ran this for approximately 10 years and then decided to diversify into residential property investment I successfully created several projects which we then rented out. I was also was lucky enough to run a car sales business where I ended up buying and selling every single make a model of car that I love.

Eventually I always wanted to work in a field where I was able to help others who are suffering from addiction issues which I can relate to and hopefully be an inspiration for.

I have done various roles from support worker, key worker, counsellor, manager to eventually Running at my own service.

I do what I do because I have a passion for it and I believe that everyone can change. And everyone deserves to have a chance.

I was lucky enough to meet the woman of my dreams we have a happy life together and a baby girl, a wonderful dog, my own house and I'm extremely grateful.

I'm here to help anybody who has an addiction or dependency problem and wanted to change I know that it's more than possible.

That's why we've designed these amazing courses to help every single person possible.

We believe you will gain inspiration and confidence to apply the change into your lives. And also be able to help others.

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