Feel out of control?
Pathfinders Twelve Step Living. You don't have to be an addict to want to change your life.
Make the next twelve months really count? A discrete, challenging, life changing and fun.
Introduction from Kieran Cummins.
Founder of m6health.com
I have been delivering Twelve Step addiction treatment for eighteen years. In addition to that, I have enjoyed twenty two and a half years of continuous sobriety myself. During Lockdown I noticed an increasing number of people developing bad habits and dependancies but did not consider themselves addicts because they were not. Many had just lost their way. But my main motivation for creating this course and community is because hundreds of successful clients over the years have asked "Why doesn't everybody do this stuff?". Many spent tens of thousands of pounds on rehab. Well, I have listened. Here is the pathfinders programme.
Lots of people lose their way from time to time. Many have seen the transformation in a friend or loved one and showed an interest in the twelve Step living. We have designed this programme for those either showing very early signs of dependence or those just wishing to change their life. Pathfinders is a temporary intervention that emphasises the maintenance of change. To walk the walk. Our process spans a year to make lasting inroads into neural pathways. We replacing old thinking and behaviours with new ones. The Pathfinder programme and community is therefore a temporary measure to get people back on track. There will be a commitment of time but it does not require any more than a few weekly workshops and Coaching calls. Maintenance will consist of no more than an hour per day once the initial guided course work is complete.
You do not have to be addicted to anything to join us, but if you are concerned about a substance or behaviour ask yourself these few questions. "Are you engaging in a substance or behaviour that used to give you pleasure, but is now causing you pain, and despite that pain and negative consequences, you keep doing it anyway? If your answer is yes, you could be in the early - but treatable - stage of addiction. Maybe you are consumed with someone else's substance misuse which is affecting your own health. Maybe you a professional helper or therapist and want to grow your own practice by teaching the Pathfinder Programme based on the Twelve Steps? However, this programme is not for everyone, if you have any questions, give me a call personally or book a call below and ill get back to you. (44) 07958 350874 or email at m6health.com
As a Trainer/Recovery Coach with 18 years of direct counselling experience in addiction rehabilitation and prisons, I have worked mainly with clients who did not face their issues early enough. The thing my clients have in common is they wish they had stopped earlier. I have helped over a thousand people and have worked with some great professionals (who are waiting to deliver workshops, group coaching calls or bespoke Pathfinder personal Guidance calls). Our clients will be feeling unfulfilled, not in need of psychiatric or medical intervention and some will be worried about early stages of dependence with a strong desire to change. Everyone joining us will need to have a strong desire to make changes. Quick questions, How long have you been suffering in silence? Should you have faced this issue months or years ago? If so, when is the next best time to deal with it? The next year is going to go as fast as the last one. But you can achieve so much change.
The Pathfinder Programme is based on spiritual principals similar to the Twelve It is not a religious programme. You will be mentored, trained and coached by those who know how to recover and maintain their recovery. Spiritual sickness is like an elevator, you can get off at any floor you like. The clever ones do not wait until they get to the basement. What ever your issue, be the clever one and join us!

Feeling Stuck in a Cycle?
Experiencing a lot of fear?
Struggling in personal relationships?
Is your health or mood changing?
Is low self worth affecting your finances or ambition?
Is a behaviour costing you more than just money?
Is somebody else getting you down, are you carrying resentment?
Feeling guilt shame and remorse, stuck in the past?
Want to address any of the above early?
Some change you cannot rush. The Pathfinder programme is aimed at anyone without the need for medical detox, residential treatment or professional psychiatric treatment. If you are a member of an anonymous fellowship you will want to invest your time in that instead. you have all you need there. For anyone else, our three phase programme is available to you. Phase One: six modules of supported learning with many individual simple guided lessons to take at your own pace. Biweekly Zoom group Q&A coaching calls will support you. .
Phase two Include bi-weekly live group coaching calls, Bi-weekly workshops on every subject, role play, demonstrations in amends making, maintenance and inventory sharing. (Also very useful for curious professionals and family members).
Phase three: Daily practice creating new healthier pathways and habits to really embed your new happier lifestyle
book on a no obligation discovery call today.
Let's work online together

The Training Programme
"Early detection Training/ educational Programme "
Facilitated by experienced Pathfinders. Our discrete first phase of the programme guides you, lesson by lesson, through the Twelve Step Programme to learn how to apply it to your own situation. Phases two and three offer groups, coaching, training and role play and fun. Most importantly, practical daily tools and lots of time to replace old habits with new ones. Whether your journey or supporting someone else, this programme is designed to guide you toward lasting change. The programme is based on spiritual principals ion a style of your own choosing.

One-to-one Pathfinder Sessions.
Additional personalised sessions.
This is separate from the one year all inclusive M6 Pathfinder programme. Here we offer direct, action-based advise on a particular block from one to ten sessions. A pathfinder guide will help you implement recovery tools to solve your particular problem. These solution based sessions provide both emotional support and clear cut action. These are not counselling or coaching sessions. We show you emPATHy and and help you FIND your own path - Path-Finders.
Who is it for? Anybody showing early signs of dependence on a substance or behaviour who want an early indervention.
- Supporting a loved one battling addiction and want to understand how to detach with love to help more effectively.
- A professional working with addicted clients in recovery, eager to enhance their approach with actionable tools, willing to apply the programme to their own life.
- Grew up around addiction and other people's anger, now struggling with relationships.
- Stuck in the past, made mistakes, fresh start. suffering from resentment, guilt, shame etc, Just want a daily plan for life.